Urban Gardening
Leona OrganicKIT is an organic solution for home gardens. It is an all function kit.
Key Ingredients
- Nutrients and beneficial soil inoculants
- Oxygen liberating substance
- Seaweed derivatives, Humic and Fulvic substance and Vitamins for the growth of the roots.
- Active neem and Karanjin extract
- Contains spores, mycelia fragments and vegetative cells of the microbial consortia
- Helps to flourish organic garden.
- Preserves your health by providing residue free fruits, vegetables and flowers.
- It gives real taste of fruits and vegetables direct from garden.
- Sustainable way of gardening helps preserve the health and fertility of garden.
How it works
- Unique health restorer
- Improves root respiration
- Stimulates rooting of the plants
- Protection from caterpillar
- Protection from leaf spots and fungal diseases.
- Protection from sucking insects
Box contains 15 sachets of 5 g:
Leona Mycorrhizae 5g x 3 no’s
Leona RhizomeBIO 5g x 3 no’s
Leona NutriBLAST 5g x 3 no’s
Leona KILLER 5g x 3 no’s
Leona SAFE 5g x 3 no’s
Pot MIX 100 g x 3no’s
Leona OrganicKIT introduces a new concept for ‘ Urban gardening ‘ with this handy garden OrganicKIT that has 100% organic inputs. It has components that can be used for 100 pots/ plants for 2 months.
Leona OrganicKIT Contains:
Leona Mycorrhizae : Improves tolerance in plant from stress due to heavy metals, draught, high temperature etc.,
Leona RhizomeBIO: A unique combination of Biofertilizers, PGPRs, Nutrients and Vitamins which helps proliferation of roots, enhances vegetative growth, disease supression and drought resistance
Leona NutriBLAST: Provides the plant with essential nutrition that is required at various stages of plant grwoth as well as the overall development during the cropping cycle.
Leona KILLER: A broad spectrum bioinsecticide based on the active flavonoid of Karanjin and Neem.
Leona SAFE: A broad spectrum Fungicide which acts on airborne fungal diseases and also promotes plant growth.
Usage &Dosage
For Seed/Seedling Treatment
Take 1gm from each product (Leona Mycorrhizae, Leona RhizomeBIO, Leona NutriBLAST) mix in 1kg of seed with little moisture and sow. For seedlings take 2.5 to 3.0 Itrs of water in a tub & mix 1.0 gm of each product thoroughly then dip the seedling for few minutes then sow.
For Seedling beds
Take 1.0 gm of each product (Leona Mycorrhizae, Leona RhizomeBIO, Leona NutriBLAST) mix in 2.5 to 3.0 Itrs of water then spray/drench for seedling beds.
For Spray/Drenching
Take 1.0 gm of each product (Leona Mycorrhizae, Leona RhizomeBIO, Leona NutriBLAST) from Kit and mix in 0.5 to 1.0 Itrs of water and spray.
For insect Control:
Take 1.0 gm of Leona KILLER from Kit and mix in 0.5 to 1.0 Itrs of water and spray.
For Fungus Control
Take 1.0 gm of Leona SAFE from Kit and mix in 0.5 to 1.0 Itrs of water and spray.
Time of spray/drench:
1st spray -10 days after sowing/transplantation.
2nd spray -25 days after sowing/transplantation.
3rd spray -40 days after sowing/transplantation.
4th spray 55-60 days after sowing/transplantation